
change is constant

Things just ain’t the same for gangstas… Any commercial photographer who was trained in the tradition of film and chemistry has had to undergo massive evolution of mind and technique in this digital age or become extinct like the dinosaur… So I too adapted: Hibernated for the winter and learned Photoshop... packed up my Hasselblad 500CM and my Mamiya RZ67, crated up my 4x5 and Schneider optics, and bought a Canon 5D Mark II…

In addition to the intriguing world of digital retouching that I haven’t yet fully explored or embraced (my endurance in a darkroom far exceeds my stamina behind a desk seated at a laptop), with the purchase of my DSLR, I have most recently been fascinated and irreparably drawn into the world of film making…

In the space of a few years, I have produced and/or directed about a dozen music videos and several commercials… My team has also produced two mini documentaries… between video making and my photography career, I stay pretty busy! I have had the chance to learn and grow with a new generation of young film makers who are changing the face of the film industry here in Jamaica… its been a blast! I have a long way to go; but I'm super excited about these recent collaborations and developing this aspect of my career…